Jus (aka Runningman)

As an Explorer and Correspondent working for Nat Geo, my focus has always been nature and the environment.

Across the years I have been inspired by some amazingly progressive,  change-making characters and their projects.  Many have been environmental, some focused on wildlife, land management and deforestation.  Some of the most impressive have been the community-based projects, many with Eco-tourism and sustainable practice at there heart. Drawing on the past and looking to the future we hope to do something here that has true and lasting value. 

Justin Hall: Video Links, Agents Bio & Interviews:

A few kind words from my Agent along with a few links to videos that offer a professional snapshot of who I am:

Explorer Justin Hall
Jet Pack: NAT GEO Explorer Series 10

Agents Summary:

Justin is an EMMY-nominated documentary filmmaker, broadcaster and journalist who has spent most of his life crisscrossing the global as an Explorer. Reporting for the Discovery channel and a host of networks and publications, he has spent the last few years working for National Geographic as their on-screen Correspondent / Explorer, He is also a Fellow of the UK’s Royal Geographical Society, specialising in hi-tech digital storytelling and expedition technologies. In the course of reporting on issues across the board from illegal wildlife trade, deforestation, gold mining, cocaine production, child slavery, piracy on the high seas and more, Justin has covered a lot of ground: From helicopter raids on cocaine factories in Bolivia to tracking down arms dealers in Moscow, he’s hitchhiked a ride on a rusty Russian jet fighter and was one of the first to use tech to champion the rights of tribal peoples back in 2000. (Cont…)

Discovery Channel Series ‘Runningman’

Justin’s passion for environmental, cultural and tribal issues was cultivated through his early work with Academy Award-nominated anthropologist and filmmaker Jean Pierre Dutilleux on the series ‘Tribal Journeys’. An avid storyteller in all its forms, Justin continues to crisscross the globe, with recent investigations taking him to Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Belize, Borneo, Somalia, Colombia, Congo, Laos and Cambodia and three times to Libya. Armed with a smile and nothing but good intention, Hall is not your standard correspondent!

Here’s his personal website:  JustinHall.co.uk 

YAK MAGAZINE Here is a recent Q & A