

We Haven’t Come to  The  Hills to Just Laze Around and Grow Old

Our intention, from the outset,  is to create something that has true and lasting value… above and beyond building a home!

Starting small, we’ll be looking for ways to create local projects that have real and tangible benefits for the community.  We are not talking about grand schemes that change the world…but whatever we do, it will be led by local need, heartfelt and positive.

There are lots of ways that, in time, we hope to apply ourselves. initiating small but well-informed projects that serve the community. Here are a  few simple, locally-focused ideas that have already been suggested… it’s just the beginning.

P1: Cultivation & Supply of Ceremonial Plants: (active)

This is the simplest of projects but one we are excited about. By planting a rich variety of bamboo along with specific species of flowing plants used for offerings at ceremonies we hope in some small way to say thank you to the community.   If you are interested in this aspect or can help get in touch.

P2: Regeneration of Crops: (pending)

Up until around ten years ago, Cacao was a major cash crop in this area…

Nowadays most plantations in the region suffer a disease that causes the crops to fail turning the pods black.  Solving this problem would be an enormous boost to local communities. So we aim to set up a test project in search of solutions.   This is a global problem and I can’t help thinking that there must be someone out there who can help?    get in touch.

P3: Vanilla Plot Pilot Program:  (pending)

It’s actually an Orchid!

Bali has the perfect climate for Vanilla production. It’s tricky to grow but marries well with cacao, each crop complementing the needs of the other. Delicate and highly prized, we currently have just two vanilla vines on the land!  They need to be manually pollinated and their cultivation is something of an art form but the rewards are enormous. As the second most expensive spice in the world, second only to saffron it would be great to prove the area can sustain artisan production. Encouragingly, a friend specialises in this area and runs a well-considered, vanilla focused, agro-regeneration program here in Indonesia. So with luck, we will find the kind of advise that sees a small scale test plot come to fruition and in this way others may learn and benefit from a new trade. As a side note: the vines take three years to mature… likely we are in no rush!

P4: Create a Mini Nature/Bio Reserve:  (active)



Working with locals to select, grow and procure a vast variety of local species we hope to repopulate and enhance the diversity of our landscape. The dream is that  In time creating of small but well-formed mini- nature reserve:  a haven for a myriad of local trees, plants, birds and butterflies… and a space to be enjoyed by all.  We are not kidding ourselves that we know now what we will need to know to make this happen! It’s an enormous and exciting challenge. One way or another and learning along the way we will aim high, armed with the best of intention and see what comes of it.

If  you would like to get involved or perhaps can offer advice, then we would  love to hear from you  get in touch

Drawing on The Past/Learning along the way…

Working with Nat Geo my focus has always been nature and the environment.  Across the years I have been inspired by some amazingly progressive,  change-making characters and their projects.  Many have been environmental, some focused on wildlife, land management and deforestation.  Some of the most impressive have been the community-based projects, many with Eco-tourism and sustainable practice at there heart. 

Here are a few  previous stories  MORE INFO

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